Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Surgical Success

Rob's Prostatectomy was performed today (da Vinci Robotic surgery) The surgeon is confident the cancer was contained within the prostate and had not spread. Everything went well and they think he may be able to come home tomorrow. YEAH!

Rob wasn't cleared for surgery until yesterday afternoon even though we have had the appointment for months. Talk about stress! He failed his EKG at the pre-op and needed to visit a cardiologist and ended up with a Nuclear Stress Test before he was cleared cardiologically. Of course, the cardiologist felt a mass in Rob's abdomen so he had a CAT scan yesterday morning. All tests came back on to surgery at a moment's notice. Neither of us thought this would happen.

Do you remember having surgery in the olden days? You had an appointment for surgery and showed up and you stayed in the hospital until you were well enough to go home. Rob had a 4 hour pre-op urinary health class last week and returned home with about 10 lbs of directions and a video on catheter care. Yesterday, it was only clear fluids all day and he had to drink something special at 3 to clear the bowels.....and give himself an enema! He had to shower the night before and wipe the surgical area down with a special medicated cloth 1 hour after and wear clean pajamas to bed and do the whole wipe thing again this morning. How do idiots handle the 10 pages of directions? And don't even get me started on catheter care! A video? Do I look like a nurse? He will have a catheter for 8 days so it looks like I will learn.

I will keep everyone posted.


  1. I feel bad for you both (Rob and Sue). It is hard on the person going through all the shi_ and hard for the person watching all the shi_ too. Please let us know if we can do ANYTHING! Hugs and Kisses to you both!!!!

  2. I thought that kind of do-it-yourself healthcare was only over here. So if you don't wipe correctly, any subsequent consequence is your fault right, and not the doc's or hospital's? Nice.

    We hope all continues to go well, and that Rob maintains his strength and that you retain your sense of humor! Love to you both!

  3. Glad to hear all went well. Keep us updated and don't faint! (I very well may faint if I had to do that)
