Friday, August 21, 2009

Change in address

Today was the big day! We arrived at Cornell around 9:00 and all of Ian's stuff was in his room 10 minutes later. All I had to do was pull up to the dorm, Ian went to sign in and get his keys and hordes of red shirted upper class men carried all his stuff upstairs to his room. Nice!

Ian only had to carry this and I carried my purse.

Ian's dorm...his room is on the other side.

The room is all arranged and ready for living. Of course, his roommate hasn't arrived
yet so the room looks pretty uncluttered and spacious.

Ian's closet is so neatly arranged and he did it himself. That's my boy!

Rob and I are heading back to Cornell on Saturday for some orientation activities and to say good-bye.

Ian's new address is:
367A MEWS HALL, ITHACA NY 14853-8901


  1. Hang in there, Mom! Great photos - we're sure he'll do well! My advice is don't go right home after the orientation on Sat. - go stay the night in wine country or something. Makes it a little easier....

  2. Does he have a room-mate?

  3. isn't this when you go out and get a dog??

  4. It brings back memories! He's going to have so much fun.
